Everseeker Pass

The Battle Pass comes in two versions: a Free-to-Play version (Challenger) and a Paid version (Everseeker). Players earn Battle Pass XP and level up by completing daily quests, which allows them to progress through the Pass. As players advance, they will be able to obtain the following:

Rewards Structure(Note: Paid rewards claim from both Paid rewards AND F2P)

F2P Total Rewards

Paid Total Rewards

Level XP (+6150)

Level XP (+12,300)

Mystic Fiber (+2130)

Mystic Fiber (+4240)

Ore (+2130)

Ore (+4240)

Rusty Metal (+2130)

Rusty Metal (+4240)

Crystal Shard (+160)

Crystal Shard (+660)

Dragonheart Steel (+10)

Gunpowder (+60)

Gunmetal (+10)

Dragonheart Steel (+80)

Epic Molten Magma (+10)

Gunmetal (+40)

Legendary Giant's Feast (+1)

Epic Molten Magma (+20)

Mysterious Rainbow Amber (+1)

Epic Well-Prepared Steak (+5)

Legendary Eternal Flame (+1)

Legendary Giant's Feast (+2)

Avatar (+1)

Mysterious Rainbow Amber (+2)

Standard Booster Pack (+3)

Legendary Eternal Flame(+2)

Large Booster Pack (+1)

Avatar (+1)

Destiny Wand (+4)

Standard Booster Pack (+3)

B Tier Character Card Mint (+1)

Large Booster Pack (+1)

A Tier Character Card Mint (+1)

Destiny Wand (+7)

S Tier Character Card Mint (+1)

A Tier Character Card Mint (+2)

S Tier SFT Character Card mint (+1)

S Tier Character Card Mint (+2)

Randomly Generated Reward

SS Tier Character Card mint (+1)

SS Tier SFT Character Card mint (+1)

Randomly Generated Reward

Level 30+ Randomly Generated Rewards (F2P)

Tier 1

  • 500 Level XP

  • XP + Materials

Tier 2

  • XP + Materials

  • 5,000 GLORY

  • 1 Destiny Wand

Tier 3

  • S Tier Card

  • Materials + XP

  • 10,000 GLORY

Level 30+ Randomly Generated Rewards (PAID)

Tier 1

  • 500 Level XP

  • XP + Materials

Tier 2

  • XP + Materials

  • 5,000 GLORY

  • 1 Destiny Wand

Tier 3

  • S Tier Card

  • Materials + XP

  • 10,000 GLORY

Tier 4

  • SS Tier Card

  • 15,000 GLORY

  • 2 Destiny Wands

Tier 5

  • SSS Tier Card

  • Combination reward: SS Tier Card + 10,000 GLORY + Destiny Wand

The cost of the Everseeker Pass is 0.03 ETH (subject to change). Do note that the Battle Pass ends every season.

Last updated